Inspections & Maintenance

Routine maintenance, weekly and monthly inspections shall be conducted by ship crew. Our group of trained engineers shall perform thorough annual and five-year inspections as well as carry out servicing & repair. Ships that cannot demonstrate full compliance to new requirements risk considerable delays and potential problems. With Appropriate and periodic inspection and maintenance guarantee safety on board can be guaranteed.

In order to ensure these guarantees, thorough examinationduring period maintenance must be conducted by highlyspecialized, fully trained engineers .A preventive action plan ensures the best results of your systems performance form the earliest stages of its lifespan. It ensures readiness, safety and system compliance with the SOLAS regulation, preventing unforeseen damages or ship stoppages and achieving the maximum savings.

Prevention is better than Repair !
Please contact our Service Center by using this Contact Form

Contact us

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    Via Alberto Liri 12B - 16145 Genova (GE) – Italy
    Phone: +39 010 899.46.00
    Fax: +39 010 899.46.14