
The new European F-gas regulation: how does it affect your ship refrigeration system.
Many refrigeration systems now use R22 as a refrigerant. R22 is an ozone depleting HFCs and as of 2004, may no longer be applied in new systems. Starting in 2015, refilling refrigeration operations with HFCs are no longer allowed.

The new European F-gas regulation: how does it affect your ship refrigeration system.
Many refrigeration systems now use R22 as a refrigerant. R22 is an ozone depleting HFCs and as of 2004, may no longer be applied in new systems. Starting in 2015, refilling refrigeration operations with HFCs are no longer allowed.

This means that as long as the systems works, there is nothing to worry about. In case of defects, the consequences depend on the type of refrigerant.
To bypass this problem we suggest retrofitting your systems with the best substitute for the application (air conditioning or refrigeration) in order to achieve similar thermodynamic results to R22.

By retrofitting with ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) gas with low GWP (Global Warming Potential) the environmental impact is reduced.

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    Autorizzo al trattamento dei dati come da Normativa Conforme al Regolamento UE 2016/679. Maggiori informazioni


    Via Alberto Liri 12B - 16145 Genova (GE) – Italy
    Phone: +39 010 899.46.00
    Fax: +39 010 899.46.14
    Email: info@dmr-impianti.it